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Hello! I'm Allison Johnson, a personal branding & product photographer based in Tallahassee, Florida with my husband, Hunter, and my daughter, Caroline! I hope you enjoy looking around at my work and getting a little peek into my life! For more info, contact me here.


Josh & Shannon | Maternity


Tallahassee & Panama City, Florida Maternity Shoot

Post Category DesignPhotographing Josh & Shannon’s maternity session was not the easiest to do, considering hurricane Hermine. We had to get creative with our locations, but we got it all done and I love how they turned out! The first half of the shoot we were in Panama City staying with our Grandparents. Josh, Shannon, Hunter and I all drove to Tallahassee for Labor Day weekend. For Hunter and I, it felt like a mad dash trying to get there because we were trying to arrive before Hermine did! The power went out at my parent’s house around 11:30pm Thursday night and by late Friday afternoon, we all decided to caravan to P.C. to be in the air conditioning. It also gave us a chance to spend time with more family! The rain however, continued to follow us around all weekend, so we had to take our photo opportunities when we could get them! Between storms, we walked around our Grandparent’s neighborhood and found little spots to photograph in. Finally our power came back in Tallahassee on Saturday evening, so we all travelled back on Sunday morning. We were able to finish with photos on Labor Day morning and I loved the soft light we had! It was a very eventful weekend and took some time to get the photos done, but we did it! This is how memories are made right?! 🙂 I can’t believe we are just a month away from meeting Josiah! I am beyond excited to become Aunt Allison!

Post Category Design

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located in tallahassee, florida