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Hello! I'm Allison Johnson, a personal branding & product photographer based in Tallahassee, Florida with my husband, Hunter, and my daughter, Caroline! I hope you enjoy looking around at my work and getting a little peek into my life! For more info, contact me here.


Caroline | Four Months

Caroline is four months old!


It seems like she should already be at least six months old by how fast time has flown. And judging by her height, she looks like a six month old too! When I took her in for her 4 month appointment, the doctor looked into the car seat and said, “this is her four month appointment, right? She looks like some of the nine month olds that come in here!”. She’s still measuring off the charts in height at 27 inches, so we’re wondering if that will slow down soon or if she’ll just keep growing at this pace. She’s still such a sweetie though. Smiling all the time! I feel like Hunter and I’s mission in life right now is to make her smile, which ultimately makes us smile. Not such a bad way to live if you ask me! 😉


For those of you who are wondering where in the world her brown hair came from…I had the same amount of hair and color when I was born, but it turned very blonde very quickly. Caroline’s hair is taking longer to turn blonde, but we are slowly seeing it lighten from the roots.


After she turned one month old, we graduated her to the bouncy seat, which was a life saver. She loved it from the beginning and still does! took her on her first road trip, which was about 3 hours to Florence, South Carolina to visit Hunter’s family. While we were there, they threw us the sweetest baby shower and it was so wonderful to have Caroline with us for this shower. She also had her first restaurant experience at Cracker Barrel. I was pretty nervous about that one, because I am always afraid of disturbing others around me and wanting to be considerate of them. She slept the entire time though, which I was very thankful for.


She started sleeping very well through the night once she turned two months old, waking up between 5-7am. That made all the difference in the world with my energy level throughout the day. She discovered my hair during month two, so I’ve started wearing it up all the time. I finally got brave enough to take her to church for the first time and leave her in the nursery. I honestly can’t tell you anything the pastor talked about in his message, because all I wanted to do was run back to the nursery and make sure she was ok. It’s gotten better since that first Sunday, but I still have a hard time concentrating during worship. I’m hoping that will get better with time. Being a Mom is hard in many ways, but so far one of THE hardest parts is leaving her with someone else.


Also, during month two we celebrated Caroline’s first Easter in South Carolina with Hunter’s family. We tried so hard to get a good family photo, but Caroline wasn’t having it. What we did end capturing is pretty cute though, I have to say (you can find that photo below). When we got back to the house after church, I realized I had put her Easter dress on backwards. Now I know why it looked so weird on her! haha!


During month three we took Caroline to Florida for the first time! While we were there, she was dedicated at our home church which was incredibly special to us. We started her on a little cereal and fruit as well, because we can’t keep this girl full! She’s eating us out of the house! The fact that she’s getting bored with just laying around doesn’t help her attention span either to keep her mind off of wanting to eat. She’s clearly ready for the next step in development, but her body hasn’t quite caught up yet. To keep her from fussing when she gets bored, she loves to sit up the rocking chair. She can be easily entertained with that for 30 minutes at a time. When we’re holding her upright, she can keep her up no problem. Although, we’re still working on tummy time, and getting her to lift up her head more. She’s doing much better with it, because she’s starting to grow into her head.


This past month especially, I noticed a lot of little changes in her. I was looking at her 1 week photos the other day and couldn’t believe how much she’s grown! I love seeing her personality come out and although I have a feeling we are going to have a sassy little girl on our hands, I am loving to watch her grow.

Here are some of the milestones and things I love about her personality from the past three months:


One Month

– started smiling and interacting in response to our voice or face

– likes to look at herself in the mirror

– loves looking at the ceiling fan

– all of her newborn clothes are put away and she is almost in all 3 month clothing

– she semi-likes tummy time

– her head control is getting a lot better, especially when we’re holding up upright

– only waking up 1 time per night (on average)

– blowing bubbles

– I love our talks when I’m changing her

– loves when I play bicycle with her legs

– loves going on walks and sleeps most of the time

– we took her on her first road trip

– she had her first restaurant experience at Cracker Barrel and did great! She slept the entire time.


Two Months

– sleeping through the night and waking up between 5-7am

– wearing mostly 3 month clothing and some 3-6 month

– getting more used to the car seat and doesn’t mind it as much

– we took her to church for the first time

– loves playing with her own hair

– loves playing with my hair

– has become a lot more aware of her surrounding

– started reaching for toys to touch them

– started sucking her thumb

– her first Easter


Three Months

– sleeping between 10-12 hours at night

– holding onto toys

– holding her head up for longer periods of time while on her tummy

– started eating a little cereal and fruit (we can’t keep her full!)

– went to Florida for the first time

– baby dedication at our home church in Florida

– able to be entertained by more things

– loves to sit up in the chair or in mom/dad’s lap


6 weeks old – she’s so little!

She is finally able to sit in the bouncy seat! Her poor face with the baby acne – so glad it’s gone now!

South Carolina trip to visit Hunter’s family

Easter Sunday! We had to get a few photos before church 🙂

I didn’t realize until AFTER church that I had put her dress on backwards. Now I know why it looked so weird haha!

We tried so hard to get a good family photo of her first Easter. This is the best we got! She really dislikes the sun 🙂

These days, this is how we keep her from fussing because she’s bored from just laying there.

How is she already this big?!

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located in tallahassee, florida