Hunter turned 21 on February 21st! It’s so hard to believe that Hunter is only 21! I have to remind myself of how old he is sometimes, because he acts older than he is. I guess that’s why I was so shocked when I first found out how old he actually was not long after we first met. We weren’t really able to celebrate until the evening of his birthday, because he was involved in our church’s Discipleship Now all weekend. I was actually involved a little bit as well, taking pictures of the event, so we were able to see each other here and there. From what I heard and saw, it went very well, and I believe there were about 100 students! By Sunday afternoon, Hunter was exhausted from the weekend and from lack of sleep. So, we both spent the afternoon taking about a 3 hour long nap. That’s normal for me, because I’m an avid nap taker 🙂 When Hunter joins me however, you know he’s really tired.