In starting this Blog, one of the big things I’ll be talking about other than photography is my life! And a huge part of my life is my amazing husband Hunter! I just want to introduce him, because he will be in many more blog posts I’m sure : )
He entered my life in December of 2013 and it’s been a whirlwind of events since then. We met at church, and I still remember the first time I saw him from about 50 yards away. I figured he was visiting because I had never seen him before. It wasn’t too long before we met at our weekly college Bible study. I’ll admit I was trying to be cool about introducing myself to him, but it ended up being so awkward. Here’s how it went…I walk up to the table where he was sitting and say, “Hi, I’m Allison.” He responds by saying that his name is Hunter. I say “nice to meet you”. He does the same. My mind of course goes blank and not thinking of anything else to say, I come out with “Ok, well bye.” It was probably the most awkward introduction that I’ve ever had, but I guess I didn’t offend him too badly.
We became best friends over the next 6 months and started dating in June of 2014. Time seemed to fly, because by January 31 of the next year, we were engaged! And on June 20, 2015, 1 day before marking 1 year of dating, we were married! So, it’s definitely been an eventful year and a half to say the least. And I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else. God knew exactly what I needed when He sent me Hunter. There’s no one else I’d rather have by my side as I walk through life. He’s always making me laugh and finding ways to show me how much he loves me, and I’m so incredibly blessed to have him in my life.
So, of course I had to post some photos to go along with this post. I am a photographer after all. And I’ve been wanting to do this shoot for awhile, so this gave me a good excuse : ) His nickname is “GQ”…and it’s no wonder why!