When I graduated college and started Allison Nichole Photography in 2012, it was all so overwhelming. There were so many resources to gain information from and so many decisions to make. Starting from scratch has always been a little intimidating, but especially when it came to my career and owning a business. Equipment, websites, marketing, selling, etc… Where does it end?! It was very exciting but definitely a challenge in deciding what direction I wanted to take my business, and it still is at times.
I believe it’s a process for any business owner though, no matter what you’re doing. It takes awhile to become established, and it can be extremely tiring and draining, especially if you feel that it’s not going anywhere. I’ll be completely honest in saying that there are rewarding times when you feel so great about what you’re doing and are on top of the world, but other times when you just want to throw in the towel. I’ll admit that I’ve struggled some in the past 3 years, wondering if this is really what I’m meant to be doing, what God is calling me to do.
There is one thing that I feel I’m constantly being reminded of though. Something that gives me hope and reassurance. And that is God has put this passion in my heart for photography. I don’t know exactly where it will all lead, but I know that this is what I’m supposed to be doing. It gives me such joy when I can create photographs for someone to cherish and look back on for years to come. And that’s what I am continuing to strive for.
So, what is my next step? I’ve felt a leading in this direction for awhile now, but haven’t put it into action until now. I feel like it’s time that I start a blog! It’s daunting to say or think about, but I’m up for the challenge! Everything it seems is going this direction nowadays, and it’s time that I get with the times! I have really enjoyed taking my business towards it’s next step and had a lot of fun designing my new website and blog, as well re-branding my business a bit. So, make sure to check back for some more posts coming soon! I’ll be posting about photography of course, my life as a new wife, and some other things here and there.
Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me along the way since starting Allison Nichole Photography! Your love and support means so much to me!