A Tallahassee Garden Engagement Shoot 
I absolutely love photographing engaged couples, but it’s always that much more special when you know them both and have seen their relationship grow from the very beginning. I’ve known Wil and his family since I was just a few years old, and Bethany for about 5 years or so!
Their proposal story is so sweet and I just had to share it with you all!
A few months after dating, Wil and Bethany just knew that they were meant for each other. So, after three years of dating, Wil knew it was time to take the next step. He knew that it didn’t really matter where, when or how. As long as it was special to the two of them and she said yes, it would be perfect!
In August, Wil called one of his favorite golf courses, St. James Bay, in Carrabelle to begin the planning. He scheduled a tee time on his birthday, September 8th and planned out the details around the proposal. He knew that if they went out of town, Bethany would never suspect anything. And he was right! When that day came, she agreed to come along on his “birthday present for himself”, totally unsuspecting of anything out of the ordinary. The weather could not have been any more perfect for this special day on the course. While playing the round, he was also communicating to both Wil and Bethany’s parents where they were on the course, so that they could plant the ring on the 18th green (and take pictures, of course!). Finally, the 18th hole came. After hitting his tee shot, Wil and Bethany drove to the fairway. From there, when she was looking away, he swung and made a divot where she thought his ball was, without actually hitting anything. Wil went crazy and told Bethany that he holed out. She thought the ball was in the hole! They drove to the green, got out of the cart, and went to find the ball. There actually WAS a ball in the hole, but it was the ring disguised in a golf ball shaped ring holder. When Bethany looked down, Wil was on his knee and asking her to marry him. Though, instead of saying “yes”, she asked, “are you for real?!” Bethany was so excited that she was at a loss for words. And thankfully Wil took that as a yes! Wil and Bethany both say that this was the best day of their lives so far!
“We are both marrying our best friend and are so excited for this journey together!” –Wil & Bethany
I really enjoyed photographing them this past Sunday at Maclay Gardens! Wil & Bethany wanted some cooler temperatures, so they could wear warmer clothes and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect for a fall engagement shoot. I’ve photographed many sessions at Maclay, so I always make it my mission to find new backgrounds and little spots to shoot in each time I go. I definitely have some new favorite spots! Looking forward to your wedding in February!